Field of view examination
What do we mean when we say field of view examination?
Optical nerve examination is a well-established ophthalmological, neurological and neuropathological examination. This test requires a special machine with which we record, not only what the eye sees, but what it perceives.
Modern machines operate with a computer that, on the one hand, imposes stable test conditions (comparability of results that differ in time between them) and, on the other hand, objectifies the examination by minimizing the human factor.
When do we examine the field of view?
With the examination of the field of view can determine many eye diseases as well as various neurological and cerebral problems. The main ophthalmological conditions are glaucoma, various optic nerve diseases and some eyebrow diseases.
It may perhaps be worth highlighting, once again, how important this test is, for both diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma. There is currently no diagnostic and therapeutic approach to glaucoma without frequent testing of the patient’s visual fields.
How do I get this examination?
Examining the field of view is done one eye at a time. The patient sits with one eye closed in front of the special machine, consisting of a hollow illuminated hemisphere, in which the computer always displays a bright spot, each time of different size and brightness, and each time in a different position.
The bright spot remains fixed for a short time in which the examiner must, by pressing a button, inform the computer if he has seen it. Unless this button is pressed, the computer assumes that the bright spot was not perceived.
Then, it projects another one in another area of the illuminated hemisphere, recording at the same time in its memory the answer (positive or negative).
How reliable can this test be?
Τhe computer measures the perimeter of the eye, and every bright spot it projects through this dome, and on the other hand re-lights the bright spots several times, comparing each response, a particular degree of reliability is achieved.
If the respondent’s answers are not the same, the computer notes and considers the examiner unreliable.